Vernier Connections requires access to certain domains in order to function. If an IT system only provides access to certain domains, the following domains must......
This document shows the dimensional drawing of a cross section of a Vernier Combination Dynamics Track/Optics Bench. The units are inches. Note: The length of......
This post is about Windows only. No other platform is affected. If a Windows computer is running a version of Spectral Analysis earlier than 4.12, and......
This refers to units sold prior to July 2024. The displays different sensor channels depending on the User Profile—Physics or Physiology—saved on that sensor. The......
The AUX port and corresponding Auxiliary Voltage sensor channel are intended to provide support for future accessories. The Auxiliary Voltage sensor channel reports raw voltage......
Logger Pro includes tools for performing frame-by-frame video analysis. It runs only on macOS and Windows. Logger Pro is a legacy app that will not be updated.......