A bug in the TI Bluetooth Adapter firmware (v1.1.0) causes periodic near-zero sensor readings that, when plotted, give the appearance that the graph is shaded.......
This is expected, though somewhat confusing behavior.The TI Calculator Data-Only Go Direct USB Cable (expected late August) is specially made to prevent the host calculator......
Basic Information Troubleshooting For additional assistance, contact us at 888-837-6437 or support@vernier.com. Frequently Asked Questions Data Collection Specifications Maximum Sample Rate(DataQuest App limitation for Go......
The includes a 3.7 V 2600 mAh rechargeable battery. With normal use, this battery should operate for several years before requiring replacement. The is the......
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING-Primary Test: Connect the sensor and start up the data-collection program. Place the sensor in distilled water. The reading should be......
As the is operated, its battery level decreases. The Cart Fan firmware includes code that maintains the fan thrust as the battery level changes. If......