The battery cover screw is 5/16″ long with 4-40 threading for the entire length of the screw. The McMaster-Carr part can be found here:
Go Direct Wide Range PressureGDX-WRPL is liquid & gas compatibleGDX-WRP is gas compatible only Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING-Primary Test: Connect the sensor to a......
No. Airlink readings are displayed on the Weatherlink app or on The Airlink can be associated with a Vantage Pro or Vantage Vue weather......
 If you are using an Ethernet connection: Make sure your Weatherlink Live has power Reseat the Ethernet cable. Plug the Ethernet cable into a different......
If you have a Davis Instruments weather station, you an sign up for a free account at This is the Davis Instrument cloud storage......
Yes. Initial version support is indicated below. When installing software, always start from a supported release. Whenever possible, install the most recent release available. Installed......
AirLink is an air quality sensor from Davis Instruments that can be used independently or integrated with your other Davis Instruments weather sensors. can be......
You can use AirLink with an existing Davis system that is uploading to the WeatherLink Cloud. Your air quality will appear on your bulletin......