After selecting the Print… menu, the printer choice dialog appears. Within this dialog, select the button to see the properties of the printer. On the......
The TI-82 will automatically recognize the Vernier auto-ID sensors and load appropriate calibrations. When you plug in the auto-ID sensor, you will see the “checking......
According to Hach Co. the glass tubes used with a Vernier Turbidity Sensor can be autoclaved for sterilization purposes. However, the caps cannot. These turbidity......
Technical specifications for our sensor can be found on our website at: If you have any questions that can not be answered by the......
If your HMP-BTD adapter was shipped prior to November 2000, you likely need a revised HMP-BTD. Please contact Vernier Software at (503) 277-2299 to exchange......
The problem is that the ULI, or SBI, can only read positive voltages. Listed below are several options to read both positive and negative voltages:......
The Palm Desktop application must be installed and the handheld HotSync’ed successfully prior to installing Data Pro. You may find the Palm Desktop for Macintosh......