A mini UV Lamp can be purchased from Wards Natural Science, wardsci.com. The lightweight unit contains a six-inch tube that emits 365 nm longwave UV.......
Note: This information pertains to the . Yes, you can reattach them yourself using an adhesive specifically made for rubber and plastic. One such adhesive......
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING-Primary Test: Confirm that the sensor was properly zeroed. If the sensor does not read zero in the orientation in which......
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING -Primary Test: Connect the red and black leads properly and securely, according to the experimental setup. -Secondary Test: If you......
New Sensor Support • New LabQuest App Features • Pivot Data for Data Matrix mode • Digital Filter equations added for use in calculated columns......
Release Notes for LabQuest 2.1 New Sensor Support • • • • • • LabQuest App Improvements • Ability to turn off spectrometer graph rainbow......
This TIL is about a legacy interface no longer compatible with modern computers. It probably does not apply to you. To calibrate your motion detector......
We haven’t sold the Student Radiation Monitors for several years. Although we are often able to repair sensors outside of their 5-year warranty, we no......