Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING Primary Test: Plug the probe into an interface and run the data collection program. Use wire leads to connect the......
Yes. LabQuest 2 and LabQuest 3 built-in GPS is WAAS-enabled (Wide Area Augmentation System). This system utilizes additional data to increase location accuracy (North America......
Create an account to take advantage of helpful online features: Order online. An account is required for online ordering. Create wish lists. Have your request......
NIST has a good online reference: http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html enter the element, followed by a I, to get the atomic spectrum. Note the intensity column; typically only......
See for a description of the issue that may require wheel replacement. First we provide instructions for field replacement of Vernier dynamics cart axles (aka......