Precision Timer is a very old program and was written back when computers had speeds of 4.77 MHz and similar. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to have machines that operate at 100’s of MHz and some even at GHz speeds.
When you press the Enter key to start data collection in Precision Timer, the program goes off and performs a few dozen operations getting ready to start timing. It then returns to see if the user has pressed the Enter key to stop timing. In the old days that process took a few tenths of a second and everything went smoothly. Now it takes milliseconds and when the program returns to see if the user is ready to stop timing, the users finger is still on the Enter key having pressed it to begin data collection.
There are two solutions to this unique problem:
A) Press the Enter key with a very fast light, fast stroke (can be rather difficult).
B) Contact Vernier Software at (503) 277-2299 to obtain a new version of Precision Timer.