This information is about Vernier Video Analysis.
Video files with the extensions of .mov and .mp4 are likely to be compatible with Vernier Video Analysis. The file extension only describes the file format, and does not describe the method used to compress the video. As a result there are some .mov or .mp4 files that cannot be opened due to an incompatible compression method, or codec. In most cases, files saved in high efficiency format on an iOS device can now, with version 3.0 or newer, be opened in Vernier Video Analysis. See Why does a video captured on an iOS device give a codec error or render as a gray or black box in Logger Pro, Graphical Analysis Pro, or Vernier Video Analysis? for more information.
Unsupported file extensions include .avi and .mkv formats.
See also:
How can I convert a video to a different file format or codec?