In the Spring of 1997, Knowledge Revolution began bundling our Serial Box Interface and a few of our sensors with their e-Probe software and selling it directly through Apple. As of September of 1999, eMate is no longer sold and Knowledge Revolution has stopped selling or supporting the eProbe software they used to make. Knowledge Revolution’s official stance is that they no longer support the eMate in any way. We checked with Knowledge Revolution about the software, and they told us that they do not even have a copy. They also told us that if we found a copy, they are no longer enforcing any of the licensing on eProbe, and it would be OK to give it to people.
We found a copy of the eProbe program, and can e-mail it as an attachment upon request. We know very little about the software, but most of the sensors that are used with the Serial Box Interface can be used with the eProbe software. The software will only collect data at 4 pts/sec, so any sensor that requires fast data collection (EKG, Heart Rate Monitors, accelerometer, microphone) is not recommended for use with the eProbe system. For a list of sensors that are compatible with the Serial Box Interface, Please visit our web site at:
Knowledge Revolution has changed company names. They are now:
MSC.visualNastran 4D
66 Bovet Road
Suite 200
San Mateo, CA 94402
PHONE – (415) 574-7777 or (800) 766-6615
FAX – (415) 574-7541