Yes, but some special setup is required.
Note: The Go Direct® Structures & Materials Tester (GDX-VSMT) is not supported.
The Vernier Structures & Materials Tester (VSMT) has an analog force sensor and a digital displacement sensor which are connected to separate channels on a TI-Nspire Lab Cradle (TI-NSLABC) .

VSMT Force (analog)
The force sensor works without issue.
- Default Data Collection Settings: 13 samples/second for 180 seconds.
- Fewer samples will be collected due to memory constraints (max 2500)
- Force sensor units: Newtons (N), pounds (lb), and kilograms (kg)
VSMT Displacement (digital)
Set up is required to use this sensor as it will not automatically identify.
- Manually set up this sensor as a Rotary Motion Sensor.
- Change the units to “mm”.
- Change the Displayed Precision to 2 decimal places.
- Set the X4 mode ON.
- Set the Diameter to 45.479 mm. This will result in a single rotation of the wheel to equal 1.58751 mm; a single count/click will be 0.09922 mm.
Note: The displacement units must use “mm”. If other units are desired, you will need to create a calculated column that converts the displacement values to the desired units.
- Rotate the wheel one rotation and confirm that the displacement registers 1.6 mm.
- Pull up on the force sensor and ensure that it registers a reasonable force for the effort applied.