There are a variety of ways to move data from LabQuest to a computer or other device. Options include connecting LabQuest to a computer via USB, saving the data to a USB thumb drive, or e-mailing the data. The list below shows the steps for the most commonly used methods.

Transfer new data via USB cable to a computer
If you wish to transfer data you have just collected (or from a saved file that you have just opened), follow this procedure:

  1. Connect LabQuest to the USB port on a computer.
  2. Start Logger Pro or Logger Lite. When the software successfully connects, the LabQuest screen will show two arrows, indicating that LabQuest is connected.
  3. The computer program will offer to import the data. Note: When you answer “Yes,” you will be asked if you want to import the data into the current session or into a previously saved file.

Transfer saved data via USB cable to a computer
If you have already saved the data to the internal memory on LabQuest, the procedure is a little different:

  1. Connect LabQuest to the USB port on the computer.
  2. Open Logger Pro or Logger Lite. When the software successfully connects, the LabQuest screen will show two arrows, indicating that LabQuest is connected.
  3. Choose LabQuest Browser from the File menu, and then choose Open.
  4. A dialog box will be displayed that shows a list of the files stored on the LabQuest. Select your file and click the Open button. Note: Only one LabQuest file can be opened at a time.
  5. Once opened on the computer, you may choose to save the file as a Logger Lite or Logger Pro file by choosing Save As from the File menu.

Note: Another method for manually transferring data from LabQuest to Logger Lite or Logger Pro is to choose LabQuest Browser from the File menu in the computer software, and then choose Import. Import differs from Open in that only the data in the LabQuest file are added to the current computer session. This allows you to compile data from multiple LabQuest sessions into a single computer session for graphing and comparison. For further details, see Can I get data from multiple LabQuest App files into a single Logger Pro file?

Transfer data via a USB flash drive or SD card
You may also save the file to an SD card (original LabQuest or LabQuest 2 only) or a USB flash drive and transfer it to Logger Pro:
How do I save a LabQuest experiment file to a USB flash drive or SD card?

Transfer data via email
You can email the data to yourself (or to the members of a lab group) and open it in Logger Pro. (This option is not available with the original LabQuest.) This is especially useful when students want to do more analysis of the data on their home computers. If you are not sure how to install Logger Pro on students’ personal computers, see How do I distribute Logger Pro 3 to my students?

From the “File” menu in LabQuest App, there are four “email” options:

  • Data File sends a .qmbl file, preserving all of your settings and analysis. When you open the file in Logger Pro, you will get a warning about it being created in a different version, but all the data comes through and you can analyze in Logger Pro.
  • Graph sends a PDF of the graph only (as opposed to everything on the LabQuest screen). This is best for when students want to insert a copy of the graph into a lab report.
  • Text File sends a tab-delimited text file (*.txt) that contains only the numeric portion of the data. This format is the best choice if if you plan to move the data into Excel, Google Docs, MatLab, or another program.
  • Screenshot takes a screenshot of everything that was on screen at the time the option was selected and sends you .png image file. This is most commonly used when students have already analyzed the data on LabQuest, annotated the graph, or wish to include an exact copy of what is on screen in a lab report.

Here are some additional details about emailing :
How do I set up LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 to email data with instead of my own email account?
How do I set up LabQuest 2 to email data with a Gmail account?
How do I set up LabQuest 3 to email data with a Gmail account?
How can I setup email on my LabQuest using a Yahoo mail account?

Data Share to Graphical Analysis

Finally, you can Data Share from a LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 to our Graphical Analysis and Graphical Analysis Pro apps and then export the data from that software by following these steps (this option is not available with the original LabQuest):

  1. Download the appropriate version of Graphical Analysis for your computer/device.
  2. Connect both the LabQuest and the computer/device to the same WiFi network.
  3. In Graphical Analysis, start a New Experiment and select Data Sharing to connect to your LabQuest.
  4. Once the data have populated the software, you can continue to work with the data in Graphical Analysis.
  5. To export the data to use with spreadsheet software, click the file icon in the upper-left corner of the Graphical Analysis app, select Export, and then choose “.CSV”.

For more detailed instructions see:
How do I set up LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 and Graphical Analysis app to work together via wireless Data Sharing over Wi-Fi?

How do I delete the data files that my students save to the LabQuest?
Can I use a USB cable to Data Share my LabQuest 3 with a computer or Chromebook?
Can I play audio files recorded with a LabQuest in Logger Pro?