There are two generators associated with the KidWind Wind Experiment Kits.
Both the KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit (KW-BWX) and the KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit (KW-AWX) and the associated classroom packs come with the KidWind Wind Turbine Generator with Wires (KW-GEN3). The KidWind Wind Turbine Generator has a diameter of about 3.2 cm and a length of about 3.4 cm (including the shaft). The shaft is 2 mm in diameter. This generator is also the one installed in the nacelle of the KidWind MINI Wind Turbine with Blade Design (KW-MWT).
Wind Turbine Generator Specifications:
Rated Voltage: DC 5.9 V
Rated Load: 10.0 g-cm
At no load:
     Speed = 2000 RPM
     Current = 0.011 A
At stall:
     Torque = 40 g-cm
     Current = 0.147 A
At maximum efficiency:
     Efficiency = 60.851%
     Speed = 1569 RPM
     Torque = 8.6 g-cm
     Current = 0.040 A
     Power = 0.144 W
At maximum output:
     Speed = 999 RPM
     Torque = 20 g-cm
     Current = 0.079 A
     Power = 0.214 W
The KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit also includes the High Torque Generator with Wires (KW-HIGEN3). This generator also has a 2 mm diameter shaft, but the body has a diameter of about 2.4 cm and the total length is about 4.3 cm (including the shaft).
High Torque Generator Specifications:
Rated Voltage: DC 12.0 V
Rated Load: 45 g-cm
At no load:
     Speed = 12800 RPM
     Current = 0.13 A
At stall:
     Torque = 320 g-cm
     Current = 4.183 A
At maximum efficiency:
     Efficiency = 63.098%
     Speed = 10879 RPM
     Torque = 48 g-cm
     Current = 0.738 A
     Power = 5.588 W
At maximum output:
     Speed = 6400 RPM
     Torque = 160 g-cm
     Current = 2.156 A
     Power = 10.956 W
Download the full specifications (PDF)
See also:
Which generator should I use to pump water?
KidWind Wind Turbine Generator with Wires (KW-GEN3)
High Torque Generator with Wires (KW-HIGEN3)
KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit (KW-BWX)
KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit (KW-BWXC)
KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit (KW-AWX)
KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit (KW-AWXC)