This information pertains to LabQuest 2.

If you have a LabQuest 3, see this article.
If you have an original LabQuest, see this article.


  • LabQuest 2 displays the LabQuest logo and then gets stuck on that screen, OR
  • LabQuest 2 displays the LabQuest logo, goes black, and then displays the logo again, repeating approximately every 10 seconds.

Is the Power Button Stuck?

If your LabQuest 2 does not completely turn on, the Power Button may be stuck. The best way to check the Power Button is to hold LabQuest 2 with the screen facing you and see if the Power Button is at an angle or if it is flush with the case. You can also feel the button with your finger to determine if it is slightly angled towards the back of the unit.

If the power button is stuck, contact Vernier Technical Support for a Return Merchandise Authorization.


The Power Button is not Stuck

If the Power Button does not appear to be stuck, the most likely cause is software corruption. For recovery instructions, see LabQuest 2 software corruption recovery instructions

Additional Information