New Sensor Support
• Vernier Optical DO Probe (ODO-BTA)

New LabQuest App Features
• Pivot Data for Data Matrix mode
• Digital Filter equations added for use in calculated columns
• Added range value (Δy) to statistics calculations

Battery/Power improvements
• Optimized fuel gauge settings to improve battery performance
• Added detection of certain bad battery conditions
• Implemented Periodic Autosave to minimize loss of data due to power failure (Autosave rate is configured by user)
• Added System Information – Battery tab to assist in troubleshooting battery/power issues

Network Support Improvements
• Improved network stability via an updated Wi-Fi driver
• Updated application (UI) for connecting to networks, mobile devices, and LabQuest Viewer software
• Added user preference to deter student access to network and connections settings

Vernier Data Share Web App (v1.2)
Vernier Data Share is part of the Connected Science System and allows students to view, analyze, and annotate data collected with LabQuest 2 on mobile devices such as iOS devices, Android phones and tablets, Chromebooks, and laptops. The Data Share version 1.2 update includes:
• Redesigned toolbar: Easier access to Data Sharing sources and status
• Ability to save graphs as image
• Visual enhancements: Various refinements to look and feel of graph elements
• Improved handling of Data Sharing source session change (ie., “File/New” on source)
• Columns in graph, meter, and table display in consistent order
• Table improvements: Updates dynamically and scrolls large datasets more efficiently
• Improved Safari support: Fix for data export issue and session timeout
• Improvements for small screens

Other Notable Improvements
• Enhanced LabQuest Update: Improved stability, updated UI, and finer reset defaults control
• Automatically sets system volume control to 100% when using Power Amplifier and Audio Function Generator apps
• Decreased delay in updates to battery status and time when powering on LabQuest
• Fixed an issue that prevented Thermocouples from working as expected for some temperature ranges
• Fixed Periodic Table App issue where Copernicium (Cn) had the wrong atomic symbol
• Fixed 2.1 known issues:
     â€¢ manual column data truncated causing a loss of data when saving file
     â€¢ Wi-Fi connection credentials remembered beyond the specified time-out period

LabQuest 2.2 Known Issues
• If the USB drive or SD card used for an update does not have enough available memory to store the update log (~5 kB), the update will fail without user warning.
• The network advanced preference lockdown-mode allows any integer value for the setting instead of limiting the values to 0, 1 or 2. Any integer other than 1 or 2 gives full access to all settings.

LabQuest 2 Release Notes