For new calculators, No. For most older calculators, Yes.
In addition to the Rotary Motion Sensor (RMV-BTD), you will need software and a sensor interface appropriate for your supported calculator.
Note: For instructions on installing calculator apps and programs, see our App and Program Transfer Guidebook.

Unsupported Calculators
- TI-84 Plus CE—all models (no supported interface)
- TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (no supported app)
- Post-2022 TI-84 Plus (no supported interface)
Supported Calculators
TI-Nspire/TI-Nspire CAS—all models
- DataQuest App
- Interface: TI-Nspire Lab Cradle (TI-NSLABC)
TI-83 Plus and pre-2023 TI-84 Plus (gray-scale screen only)
TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200
- DaRotary program
- Interface: CBL 2 (CBL2)
OR LabPro