For new Force plates and new calculators the answer is most likely NO.
Whether or not a force plate works with a TI calculator depends on three things: the version of the sensor, the interface required, and whether or not your calculator supports the required interface. Below are the details.
Force Plate (current version)
This force place requires an interface that is no longer sold and/or is not compatible with newer TI calculators. The options below will work…
- Older calculators with an I/O port
can use these interfaces
- TI-Nspire calculators can use this older interface…
- TI-Nspire Lab Cradle (TI-NSLABC)
- TI-Nspire Lab Cradle (TI-NSLABC)

Original Force Plate (last sold in early November, 2023)
This force place works with most calculators using one of these interfaces…
- EasyLink (EZ-LINK)
- Go!Link (GO-LINK)
and Go!-to-Easy adapter
- CBL 2 (CBL2)
or LabPro (LABPRO)
- TI-Nspire Lab Cradle (TI-NSLABC)

Go Direct Force Plate
This force plate does not work with Texas Instruments calculators.
Note: While the Go Direct Force Plate can be used with TI-Nspire CX II and TI-Nspire CX II CAS handhelds for basic data collection, the sensor is not fully supported. See Which Go Direct sensors work with the TI-Nspire DataQuest App?