The Force Plate (FP-BTA) went through a major redesign in late 2023. Units shipped prior to that have a unique set of troubleshooting tips to understand what may be at the root cause of unexpected behavior. The redesign was prompted in part due to our inability to source existing components. For that reason, we are required to limit repairs to units that are under warranty in some situations. Please refer to Which force plate do I have? if you are uncertain which version force plate you own.

Under warranty (less than 5 years old)
If you purchased your force plate within the last 5 years it is covered by warranty – assuming normal wear and use. Use the flow diagram below to help identify the issue and contact Vernier Technical Support (phone: 888-873-6437 or email: for further assistance if needed.

Note: If you need to adjust the potentiometer, refer to the following article for instructions.
Why doesn't my pre-November 2023 Force Plate read "0"?
Out of Warranty (more than 5 years old)
If your Force Plate (FP-BTA) was purchased more than 5-years ago, you are still welcome to arrange for a repair. However, if we are unable to repair it due to parts shortages, we will recycle the unit. (This means you would be out the cost of shipping the unit to us.) If you are unsure of the age of the Force Plate, our Technical Support team can help you sort through these options. Please contact us for that assistance.