We have created a library to allow you to get data from our Go Direct sensors in Python. You will find resources for getting started with this here: https://www.vernier.com/engineering/python/ Please visit our GitHub Getting Started guide https://vernierst.github.io/godirect-examples/python/ to access instructions for using the library and sample code.

The Go Direct® Respiration Belt (GDX-RB) has several channels (explained in the Getting Started information). Please note that the respiration rate requires a time lag to calculate the respiration rate from a reasonable amount of data. This channel will return “NAN” until a value is created. You can also monitor the Force channel and create your own algorithm for determining respiration rate. 

Here are the channels for this sensor:

  1. Force
  2. Respiration Rate
  3. Steps
  4. Step Rate

We have created a Web VPython program determining the respiration rate from the force data. You can find that code at: https://vnr.st/glowscript with the title “GDX-RB-Respiration-rate”.

Coding with Vernier Sensors and Python - Troubleshooting and FAQs
Go Direct Respiration Belt Troubleshooting and FAQs
Can I use the Go Direct Respiration Belt for long duration experiments? Can I use this sensor to monitor respiratory patterns overnight?