The Go Direct® Force Plate (GDX-FP) has two sensor channels, X Balance and Y Balance*, that can be used to show the relative balance of a person standing on the Force Plate. This data is typically view by plotting a graph of Y Balance vs. X Balance. Since most device screens are not square, one axis will be longer than the other. If the axes are scaled the same (typically -100 to 100), graphs that appear in landscape orientation stretch the x-axis data. When you view your data on such a graph, it can appear your balance in the x-direction is less stable.

The solution is to adjust the size of the graph (or the graph scaling if the graph size cannot be changed) so that a graph region defined by -100 to 100 on each axis appears square.

Instructions for resizing or scaling the graph

Expand the section that matches the software you are using, then follow the instructions provided.

  1. Click or tap View Options, , and select to show 1-Graph and Meters.
  2. Click or tap the x-axis label, , and select to plot X-axis Balance on this axis.
  3. Click or tap the y-axis label, to access the plot manager. Adjust the selection so that only Y-axis Balance is selected.
  4. Click or tap Graph Options, , select Edit Graph Options, and make the following changes:
    • Under Appearance, turn on Points and turn off Lines.
    • Change the x-axis range to -100 (Left) and 100 (Right).
    • Change the x-axis Scaling to Manual.
    • Verify the Left y-axis range is -100 (Bottom) and 100 (Top). Make changes if necessary.
    • Change the Left y-axis Scaling to Manual.
  5. Click or tap Close, ✖.
  6. Adjust the width of the graph to make the boxes marking the regions on the graph squares and not rectangles.
  1. Tap the Graph View tab, , to switch to the Graph screen.
  2. Choose Show Graph â–¶ Graph 1 from the Graph menu.
  3. Choose Graph Options from the Graph menu and make the following changes:
    • Select the Manual scaling option.
    • Change the X-Axis column to X-Axis Balance.
    • For LabQuest 3: Change the Left value to -187.5 and the Right value to 187.5.
    • For LabQuest 2: Change the Left value to -153 and the Right value to 153.
    • Verify the Top value is 100 and the Bottom value is -100. Make changes if necessary.
    • Make sure only the Y-axis Balance column is selected to show on Graph 1 Y-Axis.
    • Uncheck Connect Points.
  4. Tap OK to save the changes.

Additional Information