Logger Pro includes tools for performing frame-by-frame video analysis. It runs only on macOS and Windows. Logger Pro is a legacy app that will not be updated. It will remain available for download and for purchase. 

A new software title, Vernier Video Analysis, has replaced Logger Pro for the purpose of performing video analysis. Vernier Video Analysis includes the core video analysis features of Logger Pro, and also offers many additional features. Vernier Video Analysis is a progressive web app (PWA) that runs in Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers. As a result it can be run on more platforms, including iOS and iPadOS, ChromeOS, and Android, in addition to macOS and Windows. 

Feature Logger Pro Vernier Video Analysis
Perform frame-by-frame video analysis X X
Manual object tracking X X
Automatic object tracking X
Plot position and velocity vs time graphs for tracked object X X
Override frame rate X X
Skip every n frames when marking points X X
Set origin and scale X X
Rotate coordinate system X X
Use polar coordinates X
Photo (still image) analysis X
Track multiple objects X X
Track location of center of mass of multiple objects X X
Object measurement tools X future release
Perform curve fits and other analysis of motion data X X
Add custom calculated columns for analysis X X
Add annotations to graphs X X
Display position, velocity and acceleration vector overlay X X
Display rich text notes field X
Synchronize video with sensor data X use Graphical Analysis Pro
Combine sensor and video analysis data X
Export graph images X
Export video frame with marked point overlay X
Run on macOS, Windows, ChromeOS, Android, iOS and iPadOS X
Replay video and data at user-selected speed X X
Save video and analysis in custom file type X X
Single-seat license X
Site license X X

Available Exercises

One book of exercises is available for Logger Pro: Physics with Video Analysis. Two books of exercises to support Vernier Video Analysis are available: Vernier Video Analysis: Motion and Sports, and Vernier Video Analysis: Conservation Laws and Forces

Notes on switching

  • The core workflow concepts of capturing/selecting a video, marking points, setting scale and origin, and reviewing graphs is the same for both apps. A student understanding the concepts in the workflow for Logger Pro should immediately recognize the same concepts in Vernier Video Analysis. 
  • Any written instructions for Logger Pro that give detailed “click here” details will require revision, but since the workflow is substantially the same, the process should be simple. 
  • Files saved from Logger Pro cannot be opened by Vernier Video Analysis, but the original video can be used in Vernier Video Analysis.
  • Vernier Video Analysis runs on phones and tablets which generally include a serviceable camera. As a result it is very convenient to collect a video and then analyze it on the same device. Logger Pro usually required going through steps to import a video on to the computer. It is also possible to start analysis on a phone or tablet, save the Vernier Video Analysis file, and use that file on another device such as a computer.

Additional Information