For the installed Graphical Analysis application (not the Progressive Web App), the license key is stored on a per-user basis, which makes activation on a per user basis slightly complicated.
Note: Your license does allow you to give the license key directly to students and have them type it in themselves, and in fact they can even use the same key to activate the Pro features on their personal devices, such as a phone and/or home computer.
Progressive Web App
With the Progressive Web App version of Graphical Analysis there is no installation; you just need to provide the proper URL. If you have students follow a URL of the form
from the Chrome or Edge browser, they will be taken directly to the activated Graphical Analysis Pro app. Replace “yourkeyhere” with the license string you have been provided. PWAs work on all platforms except iOS/iPadOS.
The activation is stored in at
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Vernier Graphical Analysis\Local Storage
Activate Graphical Analysis once, and then copy that directory from your version of that folder to
C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Vernier Graphical Analysis\Local Storage
This will activate it for everyone who doesn’t have an account on that Windows computer already.
Note many sites have remapped that folder onto a network share, so you’ll need to copy it to everyone’s folder on that share.
For existing users that haven’t been remapped the way you’d copy this would be a PowerShell script:
$dir = dir C:\Users\ | ?{$_.PSISContainer} foreach ($d in $dir) { if ($d.Name -eq "Public") {} elseif ($d.Name -eq "Super User") {} elseif ($d.Name -eq "Admin") {} else { $copyto = Join-Path -Path $d.FullName -ChildPath "AppData\Roaming\Vernier Graphical Analysis\Local Storage\" xcopy PATHTOACTIVATEDLOCALSTORAGE $copyto } }
Note that you’ll want to replace PATHTOACTIVATEDLOCALSTORAGE with whatever that path is from your folder above, and may want multiple “elseif” for other system level accounts on your machines.
The activation is stored in:
/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Vernier Graphical Analysis/Local Storage
Activate Graphical Analysis once, and then copy that directory from your version of that folder other users. The easy way to this on old versions of macOS involved the User Template folder. For newer versions of macOS, you’ll need to create a Launch Agent script to copy those preferences onto the Users folder, and that can therefore cover existing and future users of that computer.