The KidWind LED Board was designed for use with the KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel (KW-SP2V) and/or the KidWind Wind Turbine Generator with Wires (KW-GEN, discontinued). However, it can also be used with other low-voltage power sources. Note that each LED has a different turn-on voltage, with higher-frequency colors requiring more potential difference in order to emit light. This item is found in the following products:

How to Connect

To connect to the KidWind LED Board, use wires with alligator clips at the ends. Connect the positive terminal of your power source to the side marked RED (+) by slightly parting the alligator clip jaws and inserting both jaws into the two holes next to the LED. Connect the negative terminal of your power source to the side marked BLK (-) in the same manner.


LED color Peak Wavelength[1] (nm) Dominant Wavelength[2] (nm) Resistor (Ω)
Red  640 625 33
Yellow  590 590 49.9
Green 515 525 33
Blue 468 470 84.5

[1] The peak wavelength is the wavelength of the greatest number of emitted photons

[2] The dominant wavelength is the wavelength perceived by human eyes


To check to see if the LEDs on the KidWind LED Board are functioning, apply a 3.0 V potential difference across each LED in turn, using a DC power supply or 2 batteries (AAA, AA, C, or D cells) connected in series. Connect positive to RED (+) and negative to BLK (–) such that conventional current will flow from left to right as seen when all the words on the board are right side up and the words are all facing you. Each LED should glow with 3.0 V applied.


If any LED does not glow when voltage is applied, there are three possibilities why this is so:

  1. The applied voltage is reverse-biased. LEDs only glow when the difference in potential is applied in the correct direction. Try switching the wires.
  2. The applied voltage is too low. Each LED has a different turn-on potential, and when the applied potential difference is less than the turn-on potential the LED will not glow.
    If the LED is connected to a solar panel, try exposing the solar panel to more light. If the LED is connected to a wind turbine, try modifying your turbine to generate more power.

    NOTE: A 1.5 V battery does not have enough potential difference to light any of the LEDs on this board. A 9 V battery has too much potential difference for all of the LEDs on this board and will damage the LEDs. See section on Testing, above.

  3. The LED is broken. If too much potential difference is applied across the LED, the LED will cease to function. The series resistor next to each LED is meant to mitigate this possibility, but it is still possible to destroy the LED. In this case, we suggest using the other LEDs on the board, or purchasing a replacement board. Damage of this type is not covered by our warranty.