The LabPro sensor interface cannot be used with Graphical Analysis app.

LabPro User Manual:
General Troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure the interface has power. For trouble shooting purposes, remove the batteries from LabPro. A few seconds after connecting LabPro to AC power, it should make the “happy sound” to indicate that it has power and has passed a self-test.
Download the MP3, or WAV file.
If the LabPro does not make the “happy sound”, see
LabPro gives unfamiliar beeps or does not make the "happy sound."
- Check all of your cable connections. Make sure that one end of the cable is completely plugged in to the interface and the other end is all the way into the computer.
- Are you running Logger Pro version 3.16.2? To find out, open the program and choose “About Logger Pro“. The exact version number will be at the bottom of the window that opens. If Logger Pro was installed via a push or image process from the school IT department, there is chance the software drivers are not installed correctly.
- If you have multiple computers and interfaces, with some of them are working and some are not, try methodically switching interfaces, cables, power supplies and computers to see if the problem is with a piece of the hardware. We sell replacement power supplies and cables and while all LabPros ever sold are no longer under warranty, we often can repair them. If you continue to have problems with your interface, contact or call us at 1-888-837-6437 for further assistance.
Logger Pro can not connect to LabPro
Product Overview
Batteries and Power
- What is the battery life for LabPro? When is LabPro Powered (On, Off)?
- My LabPro units wear down batteries quickly. What can I do to extend the battery life?
- What kind of batteries should I use with LabPro?
- Can LabPro handle 220 V with the appropriate adapter?
- My IPS AC Adapter does not power my LabPro, WDSS, or Stir Station.
Care and Maintenance
- How do I prevent my LabPro interfaces from being stolen?
- Do you know of a good case for carrying LabQuests, LabPros, calculators, and sensors?
- How should I organize my Vernier equipment?
Updating the LabPro Operating System (OS)
- How do I update a LabPro or CBL2 interface using a TI Connectivity Cable?
- How to restore LabPro firmware and update LabPro
- LabPro gives unfamiliar beeps or does not make the "happy sound."
- Is there a USB driver-only installer for the LabPro/LabQuest Mini/original LabQuest/LabQuest Stream?
Using Computers with LabPro
- Logger Pro can not connect to LabPro
- Logger Lite does not find my LabPro.
- Windows Pre-Logger Pro 3.11 original LabQuest and LabQuest Mini, and pre-3.12 LabPro drivers
- Logger Pro conflicts with Total Traffic Control
Using Calculators with LabPro
- Can the ChemBio, Physics and PhySci programs be used with the CBL 2 and LabPro?
- How do you use a DIN or non-AutoID Instrumentation Amplifier with a TI Graphing Calculator?
- My Motion Detector is not collecting data with DataMate and LabPro.
- My photogates don't work with the Physics calculator program
Remote Data Collection with LabPro
- How do I set up LabPro and Logger Pro 3 for remote data collection?
- My 6-V lantern battery is draining very quickly during long-term data collection in the field using LabPro (or CBL 2) with the External Battery Cable.
- When I retrieve data from a remote data collection experiment using Logger Pro, I get just voltages or incorrect readings. What is wrong?
- Why is my calibration different when using sensors for remote collection?
- How does the LabPro Heart Rate algorithm work?
Do It Yourself (DIY)
Using LabVIEW with LabPro
Using the Signal Generator Feature of LabPro
- How do I use the function generator and analog output feature of LabPro?
- The Power Amplifier doesn't respond to LabPro input.
- Can I use the DCU with the CBL 2 or LabPro?
- How do I use the Pasco Power amplifier with LabPro?
- Can I drive the Power Amplifier using Logger Pro?
Tips and Tricks
- Why does CH4 on LabPro read a different voltage from the others?
- What sensors do not autoID with LabPro?
Using LabPro with Products from Other Companies
- Are Vernier and Pasco products compatible?
- Does the Daedalon photogate work with LabPro or ULI?
- Can an Acculab motion detector work with LabPro?
- Can the PSL (Team Labs) Rotary Motion Probe be used with my Vernier equipment?
Using LabPro with Older Vernier Software and Sensors
- Why can‘t my Macintosh computer locate the LabPro when connected with a USB cable?
- Is LabPro compatible with your older software, DataLogger, ULI Timer, and MacMotion (running on an old Mac)?
- Can I use older sensors with interfaces that have BTA and BTD ports?
- How can I update to new Vernier equipment and still make use of my old Vernier equipment?
- Why do I get forces peaking at different times when performing the ILD Newton‘s 3rd Law Collision experiment with a LabPro and Logger Pro 2?
Sensor-specific issues
Extensive help and troubleshooting tips for each of our sensors is available on the individual sensor pages.
- Can I use Logger Pro as an oscilloscope?
- Rotary Motion Sensor will not Auto ID with LabPro.
- Is there a problem using an MPLI microphone with LabPro?
- The rotary motion sensor won't stay zeroed when using LabPro.
- What is the timing precision of photogate measurements?
- My Dual-Range Force Sensor is noisy when used with a Motion Detector and LabPro.
- What is a heat pulser and what do I need to use one? If I have an old Heat Pulser can it be modified to work with LabPro?
- What is the input impedance of a LabPro voltage probe?