Yes, you can drive the output of the Power Amplifier (PAMP) using our Logger Pro software and a LabQuest 2 (LABQ2) or LabQuest (LABQ) or LabPro (LABPRO). Control of the Power Amplifier from the computer requires Logger Pro® 3.8. If using a LabQuest, LabQuest App 2.0 (for LabQuest2), and LabQuest App 1.3 (or newer versions, for the original LabQuest) are required.

The Power Amplifier control dialog is accessed from the LabQuest sensors dialog. Click the LabQuest2 or LabQuest icon in the toolbar to summon this dialog. Next, click on the Power Amplifier button. This will display the Power Amplifier controls. You can adjust Power Amplifier output during data collection by leaving this window open.
For the sine, square wave, ramp and triangle waveforms, you can set the frequency with the keyboard, with the X2 and ÷2 buttons, and with the slider. The VDC control is only used for the DC waveform.


LabPro includes an analog-output function for generating low-frequency waveforms and DC offsets. The Power Amplifier can be used to amplify that output so that larger loads can be used. The analog output is available only on CH4 of LabPro. Follow these steps to set up Logger Pro for use with the Power Amplifier:
- Connect the supplied BTA cable between the current sense output on the Power Amplifier and CH4 on LabPro.
- Connect any other sensors, such as voltage probes, to other inputs.
- Launch Logger Pro 3. Logger Pro will detect the current sensor of the Power Amplifier.
- Enable analog out by choosing Set Up Sensors â–º LabPro from the Experiment menu. Click the CH4 menu in the resulting sensors dialog, and select Analog Out. Select a waveform, frequency, and amplitude. A gain of a factor of two is applied to the LabPro input, so that a LabPro output of 1 V results in a Power Amplifier output of 2 V.
- Close the dialog boxes.
- Set data collection rate and duration as needed.

Hint: If you enable user parameters in this dialog, the frequency and amplitude will be controllable by Parameter Controls. Choose Parameter Controls from the Insert menu to add these to your Logger Pro session. These controls will let you modify the frequency and amplitude during data collection, without going through the Analog Out dialog box.
Related TILs
Power Amplifier Troubleshooting and FAQs
Logger Pro Troubleshooting and FAQs
LabPro Troubleshooting and FAQs