Electrode Amplifier (EA-BTA)
Specifications and User Guide
-Primary Test: Connect an ORP sensor or a pH sensor to the Electrode Amplifier and connect the Electrode Amplifier to a Vernier interface. Start the data-collection program. Place the ORP sensor or pH sensor in a buffer solution of known pH and confirm that the readings are within range.
-Secondary Test: Confirm that the BNC connection is secure.
Can I use my third-party ISE with my Vernier equipment?
During calibration, what are the typical potential output readings for the PH-BNC electrode?
-Calibrate? Normally, yes. However, it depends on the sensor that is connected. The Electrode Amplifier amplifies the voltage produced by an electrode into a range where it can be monitored by the lab interface.
The Electrode Amplifier will report values in units of millivolts. If a pH electrode is attached, however, you can choose to read in units of pH. Custom, linear 2-point calibrations can also be performed if desired.
-You can open an experiment file in Logger Pro, which will use the stored calibration in the software.