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Spotlight on Our Go Direct® Spectrometers

Fast. Compact. Easy to use.

These are just a few ways to describe our suite of spectrometers. These innovative instruments can be used in both secondary and postsecondary education settings for classes ranging from AP Biology to upper-level college chemistry. 

Although similar devices are limited to simply providing an absorbance value at a certain wavelength, our spectrometers offer greater versatility. Their robust capabilities include 

  • Full spectrum analysis of samples in seconds
  • Beer’s law analysis (e.g., absorbance vs. concentration)
  • Kinetics experiments (e.g., absorbance vs. time)
  • Various modes of data collection (absorbance, %transmittance, fluorescence, and emissions)

Our spectrometers have a small footprint, so they don’t take up precious benchtop space, and they collect data within seconds, leaving more time for data analysis, student discussion, and learning opportunities.

With our spectrometers, data can be collected and analyzed using our LabQuest 2, LabQuest 3,  or free Vernier Spectral Analysis® software, which allows users to spend less time learning different interfaces and more time in the laboratory. Plus, Vernier Spectral Analysis works with Chrome, iOS, Android, Windows®, and macOS via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB. 

Our newest spectrometers are highlighted below. 

Go Direct® Visible Spectrophotometer

Education Level: High School and College

The Go Direct Visible Spectrophotometer is a robust, portable visible spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 380 to 950 nm. It uses a quality optical bench, which allows for high accuracy and reproducibility, making this visible spectrophotometer an ideal option for upper-level courses. In addition, the spectrometer comprises two pieces: a lamp with cuvette holder and a detector. They can be easily separated for high-accuracy emissions experiments with the Vernier Emissions Fiber.

Go Direct Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Education Level: College

The Go Direct Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer allows students to conduct fluorescence data collection back-to-back with UV-VIS absorbance data collection in a single portable instrument. This supports quantum yield studies, quenching investigations, kinetics, Beer’s law, and simple fluorescence detection with samples such as quinine sulfate, fluorescein, chlorophyll, and fluorescent proteins. Excitation LEDs included are
375 nm, 450 nm, and 525 nm (other wavelengths can be purchased separately). To conduct emission spectra experiments, simply attach the Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber. The spectrometer connects to your device via Bluetooth wireless technology or USB.

Go Direct UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Education Level: High School and College

The Go Direct UV-VIS Spectrophotometer is a portable UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 220 to 850 nm. It connects to your device via Bluetooth wireless technology or USB to generate full spectra, Beer’s law data, and kinetic traces of ultraviolet and visible-absorbing samples (such as aspirin, DNA, proteins, and NADH). To conduct emission spectra experiments, simply attach the Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber

Go Direct Emissions Spectrometer

Education Level: High School and College

The Go Direct Emissions Spectrometer enables students to conduct emissions analysis; measure spectra of light-emitting samples in the range of 350 to 950 nm; and examine emissions spectra of light bulbs, spectrum tubes, or the sun. For high-accuracy emissions experiments, connect the Vernier Emissions Fiber.

Check out our website for a full list of Vernier spectrometers and to decide which model works best for your application.

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