As the clean energy industry—especially wind power—grows rapidly, engineering, environmental science, and CTE classrooms have an exciting opportunity to explore real-world science concepts that impact......
Looking for ways to make math more accessible to your students? Help them build confidence in math and science concepts by using real-time data collection!......
In an era where renewable energy plays a major role in a sustainable future, educational initiatives like KidWind Challenges are increasingly relevant. These practical design......
Anticipating a projected 10.8% growth in STEM occupations over the next decade, the STEM Academy of Hollywood, a pilot high school in Hollywood, California, emphasizes......
What do science students get when teachers connect Vernier Go Direct® sensors with TI’s Python-capable graphing calculators? An easy-to-use, portable and wireless data collection system that......
Looking for a way to explore solar energy in your class—and promote hands-on science learning at the same time? KidWind, our line of renewable energy......
All students benefit when they can apply physics principles and concepts by building something. Having that real-world connection can help make physics easier to understand.......
Hispanic workers represent just 8 percent of the STEM workforce, according to the Pew Research Center. The Latino STEM Alliance (LSA) seeks to increase that......